Thursday, July 29, 2010

"My Friend (So Long) by DC Talk-Death of faith?

DC Talk's "My Friend (So Long)" is a thought-provoking video, to say the least. The gist of it is that DC Talk is questioning the values of other artists and their music. The beginning of the song talks about an interview that this artist had with Rolling Stone magazine, and also how this artist has made it to the Top 40 count down. DC Talk sings, "...You found a quicker way/ to scale the wall of fame," meaning that this artist denied what he stood for to rise to the top and acquire publicity. This is illustrated in their video by the ambulance ride. This artist is in critical condition because he is straying away from his beliefs. DC Talk is a Christian band, and, as such, is questioning this artist's faith and walk with the Lord. As the video continues, this artist is brought to the hospital, where doctors try to revive him of life. This is an analogy to prayer and ministry. By praying for others, their life can be changed. Also, witnessing to others can lead them to God. When people find God, and accept Him in their life, they become saved, just like the doctors are trying to save the artist. By the end of the video, however, the artist dies, hence the dancing men in suites. They represent a funeral service. The nurses are angels. DC Talk sings, "The situation's awfully dim/ should we up and go with him?/ no way (no way 1, 2, 3, 4)." This ties into the idea of the artist dying. Since his friends did not stick with him and try to witness to him while he was going astray, his faith died (represented by his death). Throughout the entire video, the artist is played by Toby McKeehan, Kevin Max Smith, and finally Michael Tait, who are the members of DC Talk. At the end of the video, all three come back to life. What is the meaning behind that? It is a sign that sticking together and helping each other when one or another strays from the path, will save each other. DC Talk highlights this near the end of the video when the artist dies by singing, "The moral of the story is/ to stick with your friends." Hence, the idea of the video is to stay together and support each other in difficult times because it could save someone's life.

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