Monday, August 2, 2010

"Waking the Demon" by Bullet For My Valentine-What's the story?

"Waking the Demon" by Bullet For My Valentine is all about revenge and karma. The video begins focusing on a teenager who is getting teased by another group of boys at school. As they mess with him, a girl watches, acting as if she is not impressed. After the boy is slammed into the lockers, he smirks and crosses off a day on a calendar. Bullet For My Valentine sings, "You've sealed your demise when you took what was mine." Obviously, they are suggesting that the boy will take revenge on those who are teasing him. However, what is Bullet For My Valentine referring to when they mention possession of something? This is later revealed in the video when the boy gets his revenge. Throughout the video, the boy continues to get harassed. Each day he marks off on his calendar, counting down the days. The girl who seemed uninterested at the beginning of the video is then shown, suggesting that perhaps she is that possession. This is suggested because Bullet For My Valentine sings, "Caution/ there's no limits to the boundaries you push/ I warned you but you still F*ck with my mind/ there's no escape from this rage that I feel/ nothing is real," while the girl kisses one of the boys that has been harassing the main character. When the bridge comes, the boy circles the 28 on his calendar, which is a full moon, suggesting that this is when he will get revenge. The bridge hints that something is going to happen, like he will lose control. As the song continues, the boy does get his revenge by turning into a werewolf on the 28 and killing the boy who teased him, which is suggested by the blood on his mouth, and also from the missing posters in the school. As the song concludes, the boy is teased by another, new antagonist who tries to impress the same girl. The girl is obviously the antagonist's girlfriend, however, it is hinted at that she is in conspiracy with the werewolf boy because they exchange a glance and he smirks. This video, overall, represents the way karma works. If one is treated badly by another, the other will eventually get treated badly in return.

Sunday, August 1, 2010

"Undying" by Demon Hunter-What's with the empty casket?

Demon Hunter's "Undying" video is about where the members in the group will go after death. Demon Hunter is a Christian band, so they share their Christian perspective. The video opens with people assembling in a church for a funeral. As this is occurring, Demon Hunter sings about the choice they have made in their life about where they want to be after death. They each want more than just becoming part of the soil ("Cause when I made the choice to live beyond the dirt we tread/ I felt the curse of mortal limit fall before it was said.") As the video continues onto the chorus, it shows each individual that is attending the funeral service singing the chorus. The chorus explains how death will hurt some emotionally, but ultimately, it is a glorious thing for those who believe in Jesus Christ. The individuals singing are those who have "One final heart-break." However, the man who died is a believer in Jesus Christ, and therefore is going to heaven, as heard in the chorus when Demon Hunter sings, "...And blinding lights will guide our way/ free us our blind state/ they will call us by our name/ undying." During the chorus, images of stained glass windows that are pictures of angels show, signifying that the angels will come to guide the dead to heaven. The funeral continues as Demon Hunter witnesses about their faith. They explain how it is only through Jesus Christ that one can go to heaven. They relate to Jesus dying on the cross for our sins by saying, "No one can take away the blood that covers over my fall." They explain how only through believing in Jesus that one can go to heaven, as seen in the second verse; "Tearing through these days I find/ the tolerance to strive and push on/ I know what lies beyond this life for me is already won/ no one can take away the blood that covers over my fall/ without the blood of perfect life/ I know I'm nothing at all/ so now I reign forever hallowed in eternity's hand/ no man can shake me from the everlasting ground I stand." The chorus then comes, and the lead singer of Demon Hunter, Ryan Clark, steps out of a car, which could possibly be a Hurst. As he walks into the church, the people are frightened and run away because he is suppose to be the one in the casket. When he walks up to the casket, it is empty, showing that he has continued on the heaven. Each member of the band remains in the church, while they sing the bridge about being the ones who will go on to heaven. Those who ran out of the church represent non-believers who fear what may come of them after death. The term "Undying" refers to those who will continue on to heaven, which are followers of Christ.

"Writing On The Walls" by Underoath-Huh?

The video for "Writing On The Walls" by Underoath is one video that took numerous views to get a general idea about. Being that Underoath is a Christian band, the video has an underlying message about God. The title within itself does not appear to relate at all to the song when first heard. However, "Writing On The Walls" refers to the mind. The walls are the mind itself, while the writing is the conscience. The lyrics and video convey the message of a state of mind, and the relationship with God. The video begins with a boy and a girl sitting in a hallway talking, while the song opens up with, "Maybe we, why don't we/ sit right here for half an hour/ we'll speak of what a waste I am/ and how we missed your beat again." The video, first of all, is an analogy for a prayer of apology, confessions, and seeking. The opening lyrics are the beginning of the prayer, asking God to help and listen. The boy is talking to the girl as if she were a representation of God. The kiss signifies the beginning of his story, or his confession. As his story progresses, he explains how he tried to fit into the crowd, "How come you fit the shape of...what they tell you...but mostly what they show you..." He questions God's choice to care about him. At this point in the video, the police are called because of the murder that has occurred. The neighbor who calls for help represents those who pray for others because they care. The police signify the consequences that come in life, as a result to sin. The boy is questioning God as to why there has to be consequences by saying, "I'm taking back all the things I've said." He does not want to have the consequences of his mistakes ("At this rate we can't keep up...But I sure can't just sit still."). During the bridge of the song, each individual in the video is shown as a sign that all have sinned. The bridge sings, "We walk alone," which highlights this point. The boy at this point feels as if he has strayed from his faith, and asks God to help him back on the path ("Back home/ alone, back home.") because he has realized that he does not have time to figure everything out on his own and he cannot figure it all out on his own (seen earlier in the song; "And I'm short on time"). When the woman finds the man dead, this elaborates the death of the boys relationship with God, and also, it shows that the consequences to his actions affect those around him as well. This is like the domino affect because the murder has affected not only the woman, but the boy and his relationship, the little girl, and also the neighbor, who has listened in on the whole event. By the end of the video, everyone has been affected. The boy feels awful and asks God for forgiveness, "I know there must be some way out of here." He pulls away from the kiss, which shows the end of his prayer. The last verse of the song shows that the boy has realized that no matter what, there will always be consequences ("And all of them will be waiting there."). "Them" are the consequences. The boy has realized his sin, and asks for forgiveness, which is the end of the video.